Văcărești Natural Park is the first urban natural park in Romania, only 5 km
away from the city centre, being also the largest green space in Bucharest,
covering 183 ha. Văcărești Natural Park has its own administration body that
manages the park in partnership with the City Hall and other institutions and
organisations with strong experience in nature protection and conservation,
research, ecotourism and education. The mission of Văcărești Natural Park’s
Administration is to: -Protect the biological diversity -Promote healthy
recreation in the middle of the nature, and ecotourism -Develop, deliver and
support education activities for nature observation and interpretation, and
scientific research Văcărești Natural Park is the first urban protected area in
Romania, and the largest green space of its capital, Bucharest. Văcărești
National Natural Park, image captured by drone. Photo: Helmut Ignat Foto: Helmut
Ignat Foto: Helmut Ignat
Source texte
Tag - care
This is a project of Instituto A Cidade Certa de Você, which focuses on the
agro-ecological transition in urban and vulnerable areas and the creation of
models of sustainable local development in a participatory way, strengthening
networks and local initiatives. The objective is to strengthen families that
produce healthy food, promoting the community's capacity to build a more just
and sustainable future in the city. All this through food sovereignty and
Source images: A Cidade Precisa de Agroecologia
Remix the commons is an open and intercultural collective for sharing,
co-creating and remixing documents and projects and initiatives of commoning.
You are welcome to visit Remix the Commons website to find out more!
Remix the commons is an open and intercultural collective for sharing,
co-creating and remixing documents and projects and initiatives of commoning.
Remix is a production collective at the service of the commons movement. It
proposes actions and supports collaborations oriented towards a politicisation
of the commons. Remix allows the identification, collection and invention of
mechanisms that constitute the engineering of the commons. It enables the
knowledge produced by the commoners to be preserved by structuring the
information, in particular through semantic web tools and by making visible a
grammar of collective solidarity action. Remix mobilises activists and
researchers around operational projects that bring the experience of commoning
to life while at the same time equipping the commons movement with new
methodological and technical tools. Meeting formats (Appel en commun, Commons
Camp, ...) for collective publication (Dossier Remix, Cahiers Politiques des
communs, Horizons communs, ...) Tools for co-managing resources (open budgets)
and multi-linguism (FSMET commons, Commons camp, meet.coop) are original,
co-constructed tools that are being re-appropriated by the actors of the social
movements that revolve around Remix. In the continuity of this dynamic, Remix
continues to develop a shared infrastructure of commons based on the models of
the federation (Fediverse) and cooperative platforms, the first bricks of which
are the digital konbit and meet.coop. Remix is seeking the conditions for an
inclusive federation of media players on the Commons to open up a space for
computational communication at the service of projects and the Commons movement,
based on values of digital sovereignty, ecology and ethics.
Remix’s initiatives are also the privileged terrain for building alliances
within social movements with actors engaged in redefining public space
(intermediary places, third places,...), especially those who are bearers and
explorers of the territorial question. Remix operates in this place as a
resource space for activists and their collectives, with no desire to enroll
them, creating a space for cooperation that crosses national, disciplinary and
sectoral boundaries. These spaces are the focal points for the deployment of
self-supporting (self-managed) activities by collectives, both face-to-face
(such as the Commons Camp) and conceived as asynchronous and distant online
devices as for example Les Cahiers politiques des communs. One of the critical
challenges for the commons movement and for Remix is to make tangible the place
of the commons, so far invisible through the distinction between the formal and
informal activity. Remix is involved in action research projects such as those
conducted by Atelier d’Architecture Autogéré (AAA) on Agrocités and R’urban.
This work is a continuation of the Remix pioneering approach to the analysis of
legal tools (les chartes des communs urbains begun in 2015, which can be used as
a basis for thinking about the governance of commoning complexes. In the long
term, we hope to contribute to the multiplication of methods, tools and
indicators that will enable public institutions to recognise triple bottom line
Remix is committed to the emergence of a Commons movement in Europe. The
European Assembly of Communes (ECA), followed by the Commons Camp (Grenoble,
Marseille), allowed a collective project to mature. This dynamic presents itself
as a space of alliance between activists and their organisations to deploy the
project of the commons in its translocal European dimension. After the masterful
success of the Grenoble (2018) and Marseille (2020) commonscamps, a working
space is opening up and is structured around projects, the most notable of which
are: the European laboratory for mutual legal assistance of communes, whose
initial activities are financed by Fundaction, Meet.coop, the international
cooperative for video-conferencing services being set up following the COVID19
health crisis, and the international multimedia publication Horizons Communs,
which deals with the challenges of the commons movement in the context of the
Remix is a commons. Its governance is collective and collaborative: governance
means a process of reflection, decision-making and evaluation based on an open
and enlightened partnership between the various actors and stakeholders in the
project, both locally and globally and in an intercultural dynamic.