Åsa Sonjasdotter, Potatoes’ Perspective, 2019 Source
Tag - biodiversity
Pariciflore aims to provide the people of Ile-de-France with wild and local
plant species, particularly herbaceous plants.
The ecological commitment is strong and it is a question of initiating a change
in practices, of offering new perspectives of vegetation from our local heritage
and, let's be ambitious, of giving a virtuous direction to the sector of
"horticultural" production in France.
The association has set up its nursery in the Parc départemental du Sausset in
Seine-Saint-Denis, with production starting in 2021. Source texte Source photo:
Elodie SEGUIN, Pariciflore Source photo: Elodie SEGUIN, Pariciflore Source
photo: Elodie SEGUIN, Pariciflore
In 2021 a group of cultural workers together with tranzit.ro, bought together a
plot of land 40 km. north of Bucharest, where we are building The Experimental
Station for Research on Art and Life. Amongst others, the Station aims to become
a working place for artists and researchers interested in thinking a different
relationship to nature. As such, we are striving to plant and maintain a garden
that is responding to the challenges of climate change, which is paying
attention to the local biodiversity and is at the same time permeable to
metissage and cultural embedding.
Cosmos Garden, drawing its name from the plant originating from Mexico, Cosmos
bipinnatus, is proposed by landscape designer Georgiana Strat as “a living
laboratory of experimentation for nature, art and life. The purpose is testing,
observing and foregrounding of models that creatively answer to themes such as:
the decrease of water resources, conservation of biodiversity, migration of
plants and animal species, models of sustainable feeding, fighting
desertification etc.”
Georgiana Strat proposed a site analysis, a concept for the Cosmos Garden and a
plan for the planting, and we presented these plans as part of the itinerating
exhibition “Now the Impulse is to Live!”.
We had the honour of visiting Gilles Clément's magnificent laboratory garden in
the Creuse region of France. Share this experience with us via our video 'Chez
les Plantes': This is a concrete and long-term experimentation of the idea of
the "Planetary Garden", which aims to "maintain or increase diversity through a
consensual practice of non-development ... and raise unproductivity to the level
of politics".
Source images: Constantin Petcou
Instituto Terra is a non-profit civil organization founded in April 1998. It is
dedicated to environmental restoration and sustainable rural development in the
Vale do Rio Doce. The region was originally covered by the Atlantic Forest and
includes the municipalities of Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo, bathed by the
Rio Doce watershed. Instituto Terra is the result of the initiative of the
couple Lélia Deluiz Wanick Salgado and Sebastião Salgado, who, faced with the
scenario of environmental degradation in which the former cattle ranch acquired
from Sebastião Salgado's family - as well as many other rural units located in
the town of Aimorés - was located, made a decision: to return to nature what
decades of environmental degradation had destroyed. Source: Sebastião Salgado
Source: Sebastião Salgado
source: wikimedia Source main image: Instituto Terra Source text: Instituto
Văcărești Natural Park is the first urban natural park in Romania, only 5 km
away from the city centre, being also the largest green space in Bucharest,
covering 183 ha. Văcărești Natural Park has its own administration body that
manages the park in partnership with the City Hall and other institutions and
organisations with strong experience in nature protection and conservation,
research, ecotourism and education. The mission of Văcărești Natural Park’s
Administration is to: -Protect the biological diversity -Promote healthy
recreation in the middle of the nature, and ecotourism -Develop, deliver and
support education activities for nature observation and interpretation, and
scientific research Văcărești Natural Park is the first urban protected area in
Romania, and the largest green space of its capital, Bucharest. Văcărești
National Natural Park, image captured by drone. Photo: Helmut Ignat Foto: Helmut
Ignat Foto: Helmut Ignat
Source texte
This is a project of Instituto A Cidade Certa de Você, which focuses on the
agro-ecological transition in urban and vulnerable areas and the creation of
models of sustainable local development in a participatory way, strengthening
networks and local initiatives. The objective is to strengthen families that
produce healthy food, promoting the community's capacity to build a more just
and sustainable future in the city. All this through food sovereignty and
Source images: A Cidade Precisa de Agroecologia
Flying with geese in ULM, is an ethological method developed by Christian
Moullec and his wife Paola in 1995.
It was initiated with the aim of reintroducing new migratory routes to species
of geese and cranes that are experiencing major problems on their original
migratory routes.
As a result of numerous TV, film and newspaper reports, the public has been made
aware of the cause of wild birds in their wild habitat and as a Being. Le temps
d'un bivouac Christian Moullec_Mon Film avec les Oiseaux dominique cruciani
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