tranzit is a unique network of civic associations working independently in the
field of contemporary art in Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and
Romania and across the borders of a wider Europe. Its main goal is to support
and articulate emancipatory practices, establish connections between culture and
society by moving across geographies, generations, and political realms. Each
tranzit works under its own conditions in a variety of local cultural and social
contexts, using different formats and methods to contextualize, generate or host
theoretical, artistic and activist debates around today’s urgencies.
tranzit.ro has the particularity of being in its turn a network. Founded in 2012
in Iasi, TRANZIT.RO Association is active in three permanent spaces in Romania
(in the cities of Bucharest, Cluj, Iasi), with an additional annual project
taking place in Sibiu and numerous national and international collaborations.
tranzit.ro is based on solidarity and sharing of resources and it maintains its
balance through keeping the autonomy of each centre and opening up for
collaborations with different organizations. Its main purpose is maintaining a
decentralized institution: which is in each place a hub for ideas on positive
social change; which provides a safe space for experiment and exchange; which is
dedicated to an integrated and open understanding of contemporary art as a
gateway to a whole spectrum of knowledge; and which is raising awareness on the
responsibilities and rights of today’s citizens.
Here are a few of the tranzit.ro projects:
Source - C4R network
The Atelier d'Architecture Autogérée, AAA, is a research and action platform
that explores and develops spatial tactics and strategies with a strong
ecological, social and political dimension at the level of the everyday.
AAA's work is rooted in local contexts and, at the same time, is connected to
research networks at different scales.
Since its creation in 2001, AAA has been initiating and accompanying citizen
ecological transition strategies (R-Urban) on a local and international scale.
AAA acts at the roots of global crises (ecological, economic, democratic,
social, etc.) by creating opportunities for the greatest number of citizens to
join the ecological transition through resilient and sustainable lifestyles:
short circuits, local production and consumption, reuse and recycling,
collective governance of common goods, etc. To implement these ecological
transition strategies, aaa co-designs and co-builds ecological transition hubs
that are initially managed with local actors and, subsequently, are managed by
the project leaders who emerge around these urban resilience hubs (urban
agriculture farms, solidarity economy spaces, waste reuse and recycling units,
ecological housing cooperatives, etc.).
AAA works through a network open to multiple perspectives: architects, artists,
students, researchers, retirees, politicians, activists, residents and all
concerned users. aaa's projects have been exhibited and presented at the Venice
Architecture Biennale 2012 and 2016, MoMA New York, Berlin Biennale, Pavillon
d'Arsenal Paris, Palais des Nations Unies Geneva, etc. For its work, aaa has
received several national and international awards including the International
Resilient Building Award Building for Humanity (2018), the European Prize for
Political Innovation in Ecology (2017), Laureate "100 projects for the climate"
at the COP21 (2015)...
To see some projects
R-Urban ecological transition strategy
What is to be done ? 4 Questions
Wiki Village Factory
Odaia in Brezoi, Romania
Agrocité in Gennevilliers, France
Agrocité in Bagneux, France
Passage 56 in Paris, France
Casco Art Institute: Working for the Commons envisions better ways of living
together through practicing art and the commons. Through co-exploration and
study with collective art projects as well as organizational experiments, our
projects grow from critical questions and radical imagination – forming
community and together generating art and knowledge as common resources.
Do you believe that to transform yourself is to transform the world? Has
cooking, singing, dancing, gardening, healing, dreaming, and making things with
other people been part of your transformation? If so, you already know about art
and the commons.
The commons can be described as the natural and cultural resources held in
common by a community. For example, community gardens, mutual aid networks, and
open source software are all examples of the commons. The commons requires a
collaborative process, which we call “commoning,” based on shared ethics and
values such as diversity, equity, pluralism, and sustainability. Art is an
imaginative way of doing and being, which connects, heals, opens, and moves
people into the new social visions. Art is in fact inherent to the commons, as
they are shared resources to keep the culture of community alive. In turn, the
commons may well sustain art. With art and the commons we can draw a worldview
beyond the divides of private and public, to shape together a new paradigm of
living together as “we” desire - be it decolonial, post-capitalist, matriarchal,
solidarity economies -- we name it!
Art and the Commons are two key practices for Casco Art Institute. We see them
as both tools and visions for better ways of living together. Casco Art
Institute works for this vision of art and the commons by creating a space, or
“Casco” meaning in Dutch a space of basic structure for change, for
co-exploration and study with collaborative art projects as well as
organizational experiments. We co-develop collaborative art projects out of
critical questions and dreams. They are process-based and place specific,
forming community and generating art and knowledge as common resources,
together. Organizational experiments take place with all of these projects,
including Casco Art Institute itself. We dream of offering an example of a
commonly desirable institution of art and the commons that embodies diversity,
equity, pluralism, and sustainability.
All of the collaborative art projects and organizational processes we engage in
are open to active participation from anyone who shares values around the
commons and responsibility. Anyone with curiosity can experience multiple
activities and publicly available common resources from the projects, in person,
and in community with Casco. We especially welcome those who seek change in
their life as well as in the world while feeling vulnerable alone or within
other institutions. Since Casco Art Institute was born and has grown in Utrecht,
we are committed to people and communities in Utrecht. We also engage with
communities elsewhere, especially outside of western Europe, recognizing the
world is intricately connected and the commons transcends national borders.
Would you like to learn more about what Casco does?
You are welcome to visit the website to find out more.
NetHood (networks over the neighbourhood) is about bridging the digital with the
physical space; sharing ideas and experiences; affirming differences; claiming
our right to the hybrid city; co-creating local solutions for local needs.
NetHood is a research unit based in Zurich, Switzerland, founded in January 2015
as a nonprofit organization (Verein / association). Its current activities
include: the facilitation of information exchanges and cooperations between
researchers, practitioners, activists, and citizens around the association's
objectives; the participation in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary
research, education, and action projects; and the development of Do-It-Yourself
tools and methodologies for empowering local actors to build networked
localities that can support each other without suppressing their differences.
The vision of NetHood is to plant seeds of collective awareness, critical
listening, long-term thinking, social learning and reflective action toward
sustainable social life.
A few projects of NetHood:
Crochet Heteropolitics Mazi netCommons
Remix the commons is an open and intercultural collective for sharing,
co-creating and remixing documents and projects and initiatives of commoning.
You are welcome to visit Remix the Commons website to find out more!
Remix the commons is an open and intercultural collective for sharing,
co-creating and remixing documents and projects and initiatives of commoning.
Remix is a production collective at the service of the commons movement. It
proposes actions and supports collaborations oriented towards a politicisation
of the commons. Remix allows the identification, collection and invention of
mechanisms that constitute the engineering of the commons. It enables the
knowledge produced by the commoners to be preserved by structuring the
information, in particular through semantic web tools and by making visible a
grammar of collective solidarity action. Remix mobilises activists and
researchers around operational projects that bring the experience of commoning
to life while at the same time equipping the commons movement with new
methodological and technical tools. Meeting formats (Appel en commun, Commons
Camp, ...) for collective publication (Dossier Remix, Cahiers Politiques des
communs, Horizons communs, ...) Tools for co-managing resources (open budgets)
and multi-linguism (FSMET commons, Commons camp, meet.coop) are original,
co-constructed tools that are being re-appropriated by the actors of the social
movements that revolve around Remix. In the continuity of this dynamic, Remix
continues to develop a shared infrastructure of commons based on the models of
the federation (Fediverse) and cooperative platforms, the first bricks of which
are the digital konbit and meet.coop. Remix is seeking the conditions for an
inclusive federation of media players on the Commons to open up a space for
computational communication at the service of projects and the Commons movement,
based on values of digital sovereignty, ecology and ethics.
Remix’s initiatives are also the privileged terrain for building alliances
within social movements with actors engaged in redefining public space
(intermediary places, third places,...), especially those who are bearers and
explorers of the territorial question. Remix operates in this place as a
resource space for activists and their collectives, with no desire to enroll
them, creating a space for cooperation that crosses national, disciplinary and
sectoral boundaries. These spaces are the focal points for the deployment of
self-supporting (self-managed) activities by collectives, both face-to-face
(such as the Commons Camp) and conceived as asynchronous and distant online
devices as for example Les Cahiers politiques des communs. One of the critical
challenges for the commons movement and for Remix is to make tangible the place
of the commons, so far invisible through the distinction between the formal and
informal activity. Remix is involved in action research projects such as those
conducted by Atelier d’Architecture Autogéré (AAA) on Agrocités and R’urban.
This work is a continuation of the Remix pioneering approach to the analysis of
legal tools (les chartes des communs urbains begun in 2015, which can be used as
a basis for thinking about the governance of commoning complexes. In the long
term, we hope to contribute to the multiplication of methods, tools and
indicators that will enable public institutions to recognise triple bottom line
Remix is committed to the emergence of a Commons movement in Europe. The
European Assembly of Communes (ECA), followed by the Commons Camp (Grenoble,
Marseille), allowed a collective project to mature. This dynamic presents itself
as a space of alliance between activists and their organisations to deploy the
project of the commons in its translocal European dimension. After the masterful
success of the Grenoble (2018) and Marseille (2020) commonscamps, a working
space is opening up and is structured around projects, the most notable of which
are: the European laboratory for mutual legal assistance of communes, whose
initial activities are financed by Fundaction, Meet.coop, the international
cooperative for video-conferencing services being set up following the COVID19
health crisis, and the international multimedia publication Horizons Communs,
which deals with the challenges of the commons movement in the context of the
Remix is a commons. Its governance is collective and collaborative: governance
means a process of reflection, decision-making and evaluation based on an open
and enlightened partnership between the various actors and stakeholders in the
project, both locally and globally and in an intercultural dynamic.
We organize workshops of digital self-defense and hacker pedagogy, convivial
informatics for girls, boys, children, affinity groups, geeks and for all those
who are curious.
> «Les métamorphoses de Circe disent que la connaissance est à l’image de
> l’affect»
> Samir Boumediene, La Colonisation du savoir
by C.I.R.C.E. - Centro Internazionale di Ricerca per le Convivialità Elettriche
We organize workshops of digital self-defense and hacker pedagogy, convivial
informatics for girls, boys, children, affinity groups, geeks and for all those
who are curious. We write, we tell stories, we select resources.
Our theoretical reflection ranges from the study of cognitive automatisms
(interactions human beings - technical beings), to the socio-political impact of
the interconnected devices. What are the effects of Megamachines in our lives?
What is left of freedom?
For more, info@circex.org