27 MARCH 2021
[00:15:00] Introduction
[00:22:10] Presentation of BigBlueButton
[00:34:35] Presentation of the seminar
[00:41:43] Presentation of the C4R project
[00:51:56] Pecha Kucha
Intentional communities [00:53:55] CLTBruxelles (Sophie Ghyselen, BE) /
[01:02:38] MOBA Housing SCE (Ana Džokić & Marc Neelen, RS & NL) /
[01:07:35] Asilo Filangeri (IT) / http://www.exasilofilangieri.it/
[01:17:47] NetHood (Ileana Apostol, CH); http://nethood.org/
Open civic communities [01:26:26] ZAD de Notre Dame Des Landes (Isabelle
Fremeaux, FR) ; https://zad.nadir.org/
[01:33:43] Agrocité Hubs (Pascale Meker & Constantin Petcou, FR) /
[01:49:00] Fédération Murs à Pêche de Montreuil (Clément Girard, FR) /
Multi-scale networks [02:07:14] R-Urban (Doina Petrescu, FR & Andreas Lang, UK)
R-Urban is a citizen-driven ecological transition strategy that was initiated in
2008 by AAA and subsequently developed on the basis of multiple partnerships:
local actors, municipalities, NGOs, traders, researchers, residents. This
strategy has made it possible to build several specific units in the Paris and
London region. http://r-urban.net/
[02:17:53] Transition Vallée de la Bièvre (Simon Burkovic, FR) /
Shared expertise, P2P, cooperativism [02:27:43] femProcomuns (Monica Garriga,
ES) / https://femprocomuns.coop/
[02:33:54] Chartes des communs urbains / Remix the commons /
[02:41:54] DisCO (Stacco Troncoso, ES) / https://disco.coop/
Experiences of resilience governance through commons
[02:53:50] Keynote
Maria Francesca De Tullio (IT) http://www.exasilofilangieri.it/
[04:22:58] Keynote
David Bollier (USA) http://www.bollier.org/
[05:02:22] Discussion
[05:45:56] Transversal discussion between the working groups and formulation of
hypothesys of possible tools to be shared with other project leaders, activists
and researchers.
Tag - seminar
On June 21, 2022, we had the pleasure of hosting well-known Australian economist
and geographer Katherine Gibson at our seminar on citizen economies in Bagneux.
This was an opportunity to learn more about « diverse economies » and to
practice in workshop form an alternative accounting of different forms of work
for the benefit of the commons.
Halfway to Paradise A discussion about artistic initiatives’ (re)turn to nature.
With: Adriana Chiruta, Irina Botea & Jon Dean, V. Leac, Daniela Palimariu, Delia
Popa Sunday, 30 January 2022, 4 p.m. https://whereby.com/public-meetings
An invented country for artists and scientists, in the region of Sibiu. A
house-garden residency for artists and non-artists, in a village in Arges
county. A small house and stripe of land for permaculture experiments, near the
river Mures. A dendrology park near Horezu, dedicated to contemporary artists
and writers. A residency for artists and watermelons in a small town in the
south of the country, by the Danube. A studio with a greenhouse and a garden,
not far from the south exit from Bucharest. These are just a few examples of
spaces created by artists in natural settings, outside of the big cities, and it
is a trend that has grown in the recent years, mirrored especially during the
pandemic by a general interest in experimenting with life in the countryside.
How can these artistic initiatives inspire more than a life-style, how can they
inscribe themselves in a paradigm of understanding and living with nature rather
than colonise it, how can they create communities that breathe in a different
rhythm than that of precarity and hyper-consumption that characterises much of
the daily life in contemporary cities?! This is hopefully the first in a series
of discussions on these topics, and an attempt to connect similar initiatives
and thus strengthen the models they establish. Adriana Chiruta lives and works
in her favorite life-art project, a contemporary art eco-laboratory under
construction since 2014, in the region of Sibiu, called Carambach, an “invented”
country for artists, scientists, nature and human rights activists. She is an
artist with hybrid practices. A performing arts professional, theatre director
and dance passionate, with a philosophy background, she enjoys taking
post-conceptual walks through different mediums (sound, video, text, etc.).
Structured as performative installations, her works are meant to direct the
viewers senses’ from the exterior art objects, toward themselves, as subjects of
art invited to occupy the stage of their own life, personally, socially and
politically. Irina Botea Bucan has developed an artist-educator-researcher
methodology that questions dominant socio-political ideas and centralizes human
and non-human agency as a vehicle for meaning. Jon Dean has been working in the
overlapping fields of community-based participatory arts and education for over
thirty years. Apart from their individual practices, they have also been
collaborating on educational, artistic and cultural projects since the early
1990s. Due to their shared belief in the importance of working in
non-traditional 'art spaces' they decided to literally build upon previous
experiences through developing a house-garden residency for artists and
non-artists (human and non-human) in the village of Radesti, Arges county. Since
the beginning of 2019 they have renovated a small barn and worked alongside a
wide range of local residents as well as invited guests to foster new
collaborations. V. Leac is a poet and a performer in his or his friends’ art and
life actions, exhibitions, films. Since 2010, he created a place of resistance,
a space that survived the erosion from the river Mures, in the village of
Bodrog, Arad county. Together with artists and other people from Arad and
Timisoara, passionate for permaculture, they used the stripe of land between the
small house and the river to create a garden with vegetables, medicinal plants,
fruit, wild herbs, following a concept of multiple natures. Since 2020 he
started a new project in Romanii de Jos, Valcea county, a dendrology park in
which the trees planted there carry the names of his friends, artists and poets.
Daniela Palimariu is an artist and a co-founding member of Sandwich collective.
Sandwich started in 2016 as an artist-run space and is constantly expanding and
reinventing itself. In 2022, a new project imagined by Sandwich is to be
inaugurated: the Watermelon Residency, in the small town of Bechet, Dolj county,
an important Danube port and close to the sandy region of Dabuleni, famous in
Romania for its watermelons production. The residency programme is planned for
local and international artists, who are invited to propose either research
projects or site-specific works for the place. Delia Popa is a visual artist who
researches the almost imperceptible space between discourse and reality,
representation and control, while she constantly questions man’s insistence on
detaching oneself from other animals. She depicts humans under zoomorphic forms,
unveiling their cruelty towards other species, she endows plants with
anthropomorphic traits and draws parallels between her work as an artist and her
work as a gardener. Since 2015, she builds and uses her studio and cultivates
plants in the village of Cretesti, Ilfov county, in her grandparents’ house and
The discussion is organised in a hybrid form, with the participants gathering in
person and the public invited to join online, by accessing this link:
https://whereby.com/public-meetings. * The discussion takes place in Romanian
language. Host: Edi Constantin (the Experimental Station for Research)
Moderator: Raluca Voinea (tranzit.ro/Bucuresti) The residency of Adriana Chiruta
in Bucharest and this discussion are complementary activities to
Regenerative-Reliable-Resourceful, the mapping of resilient practices in the
Romanian countryside, in the field of food production and distribution,
construction materials and cultural initiatives, that tranzit.ro develops in the
frame of C4R project and of the Experimental Station for Research on Art and
*The platform https://whereby.com/public-meetings can be accessed directly from
an internet browser, preferably Chrome or Firefox. It doesn’t require the
installation of an application or the creation of an account.
The FieldTrip / Worskhop C4R in Bucharest was continued by the roundtable
discussion « From local to planetary : changing the way of life » where
participated Gilles Clément, Constantin Petcou, Doina Petrescu, Stefan Pop, the
Tranzit.ro team and a large public.
The introduction by Raluca Voinea noticed the importance of this kind of open
discussion as part of the C4R project. Doina Petrescu and Constantin Petcou
presented the evolution of a driven-citizens ecological transition strategy
(R-Urban) in a global environnemental context which is quickly deteriorating
(summaries of the GIEC report were published the previous day). Gilles Clément
demonstrated the importance of water for organisms at different scales, as well
as the cultural stereotypes that must be overcome by professionals who want to
fight against an excessive anthropization of the planet. A discussion with the
audience allowed us to explore some ways of thinking grounded in the local
Many thanks to the Tranzit.ro team for this perfect planning and to all the
participants (despite the Covid and the heatwave!) !
A public event: Gilles Clément in dialogue with Civic Movement R-Urban
27 July 2021, 6 pm Casa Filipescu-Cesianu, Calea Victoriei 151, Bucharest
“As planetary gardeners, we depend on all the biological diversity that we
harness for a living. We must preserve it to ensure a future. What kind of model
do we want to develop, to allow both the exploitation of diversity for the
benefit of an expanding world population, and the preservation, in quality and
quantity terms, of that diversity on which we depend? We must respond to this
question as quickly as possible if we are not to succumb to the inevitability of
irreversible forces of destruction, but rather to develop in every conceivable
field a mental territory of optimism – a garden.” (Gilles Clément, 2021)
Gilles Clément is a French gardener, landscape designer, botanist, entomologist
and writer. He is the author of several groundbreaking concepts in the framework
of landscaping, such as “moving garden” (jardin en mouvement), “planetary
garden” (jardin planétaire) and “third landscape” (tiers paysage). For his many
landscape projects including the André Citroën Park, the Quai Branly Garden or
the Henri-Matisse Park in Lille, he has received the “Grand Prix du paysage“ in
1998. Doina Petrescu and Constantin Petcou (atelier d’architecture autogérée)
develop ecological projects carried out with/by citizens, nomadic devices and
urban strategies. For their projects (which include EcoBox, Passage 56, R-Urban,
Wiki Village Factory, Vision 2030 Seine Saint Denis) they have received a number
of international awards including Resilient Building Prize 2018 and European
Political Innovation Prize in Ecology 2017. Constantin Petcou and Doina Petrescu
represent R-Urban, a civic movement which supports the emergence of alternative
models of living, producing and consuming between the urban and the rural.
The event in Bucharest is organised by tranzit.ro/ Bucuresti and AAA as part of
the project C4R.
Jardin Arche de la Défense. Gilles Clément
Agrocité Biodiversité, 2014. R-Urban, aaa
Reporting from the annual Travelling Farm Museum tours, we bring you snapshots, stories and/or know-hows learned from them by the hosts, members of the Museum