A public event: Gilles Clément in dialogue with Civic Movement R-Urban
27 July 2021, 6 pm Casa Filipescu-Cesianu, Calea Victoriei 151, Bucharest
“As planetary gardeners, we depend on all the biological diversity that we
harness for a living. We must preserve it to ensure a future. What kind of model
do we want to develop, to allow both the exploitation of diversity for the
benefit of an expanding world population, and the preservation, in quality and
quantity terms, of that diversity on which we depend? We must respond to this
question as quickly as possible if we are not to succumb to the inevitability of
irreversible forces of destruction, but rather to develop in every conceivable
field a mental territory of optimism – a garden.” (Gilles Clément, 2021)
Gilles Clément is a French gardener, landscape designer, botanist, entomologist
and writer. He is the author of several groundbreaking concepts in the framework
of landscaping, such as “moving garden” (jardin en mouvement), “planetary
garden” (jardin planétaire) and “third landscape” (tiers paysage). For his many
landscape projects including the André Citroën Park, the Quai Branly Garden or
the Henri-Matisse Park in Lille, he has received the “Grand Prix du paysage“ in
1998. Doina Petrescu and Constantin Petcou (atelier d’architecture autogérée)
develop ecological projects carried out with/by citizens, nomadic devices and
urban strategies. For their projects (which include EcoBox, Passage 56, R-Urban,
Wiki Village Factory, Vision 2030 Seine Saint Denis) they have received a number
of international awards including Resilient Building Prize 2018 and European
Political Innovation Prize in Ecology 2017. Constantin Petcou and Doina Petrescu
represent R-Urban, a civic movement which supports the emergence of alternative
models of living, producing and consuming between the urban and the rural.
The event in Bucharest is organised by tranzit.ro/ Bucuresti and AAA as part of
the project C4R.
Jardin Arche de la Défense. Gilles Clément
Agrocité Biodiversité, 2014. R-Urban, aaa