First C4R Seminar on Resilience Governance through Commons
C4R action - Thursday, January 4, 202427 March 2021
Seminar recording: Resilience Governance through Commons
[00:15:00] Introduction
[00:22:10] Presentation of BigBlueButton
[00:34:35] Presentation of the seminar
[00:41:43] Presentation of the C4R project
[00:51:56] Pecha Kucha
Intentional communities [00:53:55] CLTBruxelles (Sophie Ghyselen, BE) / https://cltb.be/fr/
[01:02:38] MOBA Housing SCE (Ana Džokić & Marc Neelen, RS & NL) / https://www.moba.coop
[01:07:35] Asilo Filangeri (IT) / http://www.exasilofilangieri.it/
[01:17:47] NetHood (Ileana Apostol, CH); http://nethood.org/
Open civic communities [01:26:26] ZAD de Notre Dame Des Landes (Isabelle Fremeaux, FR) ; https://zad.nadir.org/
[01:33:43] Agrocité Hubs (Pascale Meker & Constantin Petcou, FR) / https://www.facebook.com/AgrociteBagneux https://www.facebook.com/AgrociteColombesGenevilliers
[01:49:00] Fédération Murs à Pêche de Montreuil (Clément Girard, FR) / https://federationmursapeches.jimdofree.com/
Multi-scale networks
R-Urban (Doina Petrescu, FR & Andreas Lang, UK)
R-Urban is a citizen-driven ecological transition strategy that was initiated in 2008 by AAA and subsequently developed on the basis of multiple partnerships: local actors, municipalities, NGOs, traders, researchers, residents. This strategy has made it possible to build several specific units in the Paris and London region. http://r-urban.net/
[02:17:53] Transition Vallée de la Bièvre (Simon Burkovic, FR) / https://agendavalleedelabievre.jimdofree.com/
Shared expertise, P2P, cooperativism [02:27:43] femProcomuns (Monica Garriga, ES) / https://femprocomuns.coop/
[02:33:54] Chartes des communs urbains / Remix the commons / https://wiki.remixthecommons.org/
[02:41:54] DisCO (Stacco Troncoso, ES) / https://disco.coop/
Experiences of resilience governance through commons
Maria Francesca De Tullio (IT)
David Bollier (USA)
[05:02:22] Discussion
[05:45:56] Transversal discussion between the working groups and formulation of hypothesys of possible tools to be shared with other project leaders, activists and researchers.