Tag - Psychology

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Young people are evaluating good and bad life decisions on a scale and seeking input from others. To philosophy experts, it sounds familiar You can count calories, steps, streams of your favorite song – and now, you can assign a number to how cool you are. See: aura points, a way to calculate your rizz. (That’s what the kids call charisma, and if you didn’t know that, you just lost 100 aura points.) Ask someone out and get a yes? That’s 100 aura points for you. Still on Snapchat past the age of 19? Gross and suspect … dock 1,000 aura points. Confidently answered a question in class, but got it wrong? You’re in the red now. Continue reading...
July 22, 2024 / The Guardian | Technology
Do you feel uncharismatic and awkward in social situations? Aura upgrades are thankfully now available, according to a group of intrepid influencers Name: Auramaxxing. Age: The word “aura” comes from Latin and ancient Greek and originally meant a gentle breeze. These days it’s more commonly used about a subtle pervasive quality emanating from someone. That’s what we’re talking about here. Continue reading...
July 17, 2024 / The Guardian | Technology