C4R network - Friday, March 5, 2021NetHood (networks over the neighbourhood) is about bridging the digital with the physical space; sharing ideas and experiences; affirming differences; claiming our right to the hybrid city; co-creating local solutions for local needs.
NetHood is a research unit based in Zurich, Switzerland, founded in January 2015 as a nonprofit organization (Verein / association). Its current activities include: the facilitation of information exchanges and cooperations between researchers, practitioners, activists, and citizens around the association's objectives; the participation in interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research, education, and action projects; and the development of Do-It-Yourself tools and methodologies for empowering local actors to build networked localities that can support each other without suppressing their differences.
The vision of NetHood is to plant seeds of collective awareness, critical listening, long-term thinking, social learning and reflective action toward sustainable social life.
A few projects of NetHood:
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