The heat is on
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Tag - Climate crisis
Is that good? What does that even mean?
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No wonder some members of the Commonwealth heads of government meeting had that
sinking feeling
* See more of Fiona Katauskas’s cartoons here
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It’s all in the line of sight
* See more of Fiona Katauskas’s cartoons here
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Firms such as Smallhold have lessons to be learned on what business can – and
can’t – do in transforming agriculture
When Andrew Carter and Adam DeMartino started their business Smallhold in 2017,
they set out with a simple vision they thought could have a big impact: feed
people mushrooms.
“Mushrooms are one of the most sustainable calories on the planet, in every
aspect,” Carter said, whether you’re looking at water, waste, plastic use or
greenhouse gas emissions. “We just wanted to get more people eating them.”
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Event will push for greater transparency and aims to rank AI firms in terms of
ability to meet climate goals
World leaders at the next AI summit will focus on the impact on the environment
and jobs, including the possibility of ranking the greenest AI companies, it has
been announced.
Rating artificial intelligence companies in terms of their ecological impact is
among the proposals under consideration, while other areas being looked at
include the effect on the labour market, giving all countries access to the
technology, and bringing more states under the wing of global AI governance
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Is there anything climate change cannot do?!
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With storms becoming more frequent due to the climate crisis, insurers are
forcing operators to respond
One of the least considered hazards of climate change is the increasing
frequency of hailstorms and the size and the impact of the pieces of ice they
produce. This, in turn, threatens one of the most promising solutions to the
climate crisis: solar farms.
In the last year, the number of hailstorms in Europe exceeded 10,000 and the
size of large hailstones reported from Italy and Germany increased to 10cm (4in)
– enough to dent a car, smash greenhouses and break a solar panel. The frequency
of storms and the size of the hail is increasing.
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I’m sorry but your Big Prawn has climate-induced shell rot
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