All for Climate We are a back office and a fiscal sponsor for your local group
Managing administration and money can be a stress for small or bigger
collectives that want to start creating and building. That is exactly why we
started this shared nonprofit: one common legal entity bears the burden for all
collectives. It saves time for everyone. We truly believe that active citizens
should focus on executing ideas, not on administration and reporting taxes What
exactly does All For Climate provide?
* a homepage with your own url and your own transparant collective balance
(always know exactly how much money you have)
* a link to a donate button to add to your website, lots of options for
fundraising and receiving donations
* full autonomy: it is your money, you decide. We are unincorporated partners.
* easy and quick reimbursement of expenses you have (receipts, invoices, ...),
directly from your collective's balance
* options to create events for your collective (with built-in ticket system)
and sending newsletters and updates
* a back office that provides you with a monthly finance report
* a legal entity to sign for all applications to receive subsidies and funds
from institutions and governments
* a huge network of like minded people to share expertise and learn, all
working on climate and social justice System by All For Climate, source: All
For Climate logo All For Climate, source: All For Climate illustration All
For Climate, source: Open Collective
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