Tag - online

All for Climate We are a back office and a fiscal sponsor for your local group Managing administration and money can be a stress for small or bigger collectives that want to start creating and building. That is exactly why we started this shared nonprofit: one common legal entity bears the burden for all collectives. It saves time for everyone. We truly believe that active citizens should focus on executing ideas, not on administration and reporting taxes What exactly does All For Climate provide? * a homepage with your own url and your own transparant collective balance (always know exactly how much money you have) * a link to a donate button to add to your website, lots of options for fundraising and receiving donations * full autonomy: it is your money, you decide. We are unincorporated partners. * easy and quick reimbursement of expenses you have (receipts, invoices, ...), directly from your collective's balance * options to create events for your collective (with built-in ticket system) and sending newsletters and updates * a back office that provides you with a monthly finance report * a legal entity to sign for all applications to receive subsidies and funds from institutions and governments * a huge network of like minded people to share expertise and learn, all working on climate and social justice System by All For Climate, source: All For Climate logo All For Climate, source: All For Climate illustration All For Climate, source: Open Collective Source texte All For Climate
Sunday, July 11, 2021 / C4R ecosystem
social enterprise
Enspiral defies simple explanation. It is many things to many people at once. It is a mutual aid network. It is a social impact entrepreneurial incubator. It is a future of work and new economy catalyst. It is a collection of channels on different mediums punctuated by meet-ups and retreats. It is a network of colleagues and friends. It’s none of these things and all of them at once. You’ll get a different answer for what it is from each person you ask. Myself, Emma Buck, and Emmi Bevensee, through Rebellious Data, set out to try and get an answer, if not a definitive one, then one that captured all of this complexity. In May, we proposed, and got funded within Enspiral, to do an impact report of the Enspiral Network. Doing impact evaluation on an organization like this is far different and more complex than on anything else we’ve worked on. In four years, Enspiral evolved from a vision of "more people working on stuff that matters" to a global network of socially-minded individuals and enterprises. (Courtesy Enspiral) Individuals can choose among multiple levels of engagement. (Courtesy Enspiral) Enspiral Space is Enspiral's co-working facility in Wellington, New Zealand. (Courtesy Enspiral) Main image: Enspiral Foundation is funded by voluntary contributions from Enspiral Ventures. (Courtesy Enspiral) Main text: Enspiral Foundation
Sunday, July 11, 2021 / C4R ecosystem
The [Distributed Cooperative Organization] (https://disco.coop/) can be linked to a growing network that supports common initiatives, shared work and more common experiences. Being part of the cooperative implies a commitment to its values and requires the ability to devote time to it. It is about finding a balance between role and responsibility. There are different ways to take part in the experiment, from peer-to-peer communal production to a more traditional commune with clear rules of governance. DisCO is, first and foremost, an example of a peer-to-peer (P2P) system, promoting interdependence and inclusive work. It allows access to open sources, common principles and social solidarity. All this with the aim of carrying out meaningful and common projects built in parallel with an alternative to the current exclusive economy. DisCO Manifesto DisCO- Distributed Cooperative Organization
Sunday, July 11, 2021 / C4R ecosystem