Rotor is a a cooperative that organises the reuse of construction materials. We
dismantle, process and trade salvaged building components.
Rotor DC is a cooperative company which is entirely owned by its employees. We
are based in Brussels, and we attempt to be as generous with this city as it is
with us. We seek to collaborate with contractors, non-profits and other
companies, and to become a central part of a regional ecosystem for large scale
reuse of building materials. While at the start in 2014, we almost exclusively
sold materials dismantled by our own workers, our shop now also trades materials
from several other suppliers such as demolition contractors and real estate
By trading in salvaged materials, we help reduce the quantity of demolition
waste, while offering quality building materials that have a negligible
environmental impact.
Many of our materials are cheaper than new for the same quality. Some materials
are equally expensive as new, but come with a great story, a deep patina or
simply a clear conscience. And then, from time to time, we offer for sale pieces
that were conceived by renowned designers, or created by skilled craftsmen, or
made using technologies now out of reach. These pieces are priced a bit higher,
but we hope the economies made with our more generic materials help bring them
in reach of the many.
We have a strict policy with regards to exceptional architecture, and never get
involved in demolition projects before they obtain the proper permits. We fully
support maintenance and refurbishment strategies for existing buildings. We
require documentation of ownership on all of the materials that transit through
our shop.
While reusing building materials is as old as construction itself, building
materials and techniques have significantly evolved since. We develop
deconstruction techniques, logistical systems and remanufacturing installations
for contemporary building materials, with a focus on finishing materials. Our
specialisations include – repair and transformation of lighting equipment, – a
state of the art method for removing mortar from ceramic tiles – the
reprocessing of high quality ‘urban’ wood – cleaning and preparing for reuse of
furniture and building hardware, sanitary equipment – planning and organising of
salvage operations in large and complicated buildings
Rotor Deconstruction is an autonomous side-project that emanates from Rotor, a
Brussels-based non-profit firm engaged in promoting and facilitating the reuse
of building components as a strategy on the path towards a more
resource-efficient materials economy. Since 2012, Rotor has been documenting
existing dealers of secondhand building materials in Belgium and in neighbouring
countries. The results are published on Through this study, we
realised that despite the high level of professionalisation of the sector, many
dealers are focusing on rustic materials destined for the domestic rural market.
Few were geared towards selling what comes out of large building compounds of
the service sector, which then and now makes up the bulk of demolition debris in
metropolitan areas like the Brussels Region. Rotor Deconstruction grew out of
the realisation that certain dots needed urgent connection.
photo: Rotor DC, WTC towers, Brussels
photo: Rotor DC, North Station, Brussels
photo: Rotor DC, warehouse
Tag - cooperative
Mission Community Land Trust Brussels offers low-income Brussels residents the
opportunity to live in affordable, sustainable, quality housing. The work of
Community Land Trust Brussels is not limited to the production of housing, but
extends to community work with residents, improving the neighborhoods in which
it is active and strengthening community life.
Vision Community Land Trust Brussels is convinced that stable, quality housing
is an essential condition for people's well-being. It supports the construction
of a city in which all low-income people live in affordable housing. The
Community Land Trust Brussels considers land as a common good so that housing
remains affordable from generation to generation.
Community Land Trusts use dual tenure legal arrangements to provide permanent
affordable housing and improve the liveability of neighbourhoods. Housing Europe
L’espoir, un immeuble qui a inspiré le community land truxt bruxellois. © CLTB
Source text CLTB