Mission Community Land Trust Brussels offers low-income Brussels residents the
opportunity to live in affordable, sustainable, quality housing. The work of
Community Land Trust Brussels is not limited to the production of housing, but
extends to community work with residents, improving the neighborhoods in which
it is active and strengthening community life.
Vision Community Land Trust Brussels is convinced that stable, quality housing
is an essential condition for people's well-being. It supports the construction
of a city in which all low-income people live in affordable housing. The
Community Land Trust Brussels considers land as a common good so that housing
remains affordable from generation to generation.
Community Land Trusts use dual tenure legal arrangements to provide permanent
affordable housing and improve the liveability of neighbourhoods. Housing Europe
L’espoir, un immeuble qui a inspiré le community land truxt bruxellois. © CLTB
Source text CLTB
Tag - housing
MOBA is a Peer-2-Peer platform launched by a new wave of
community-led/cooperative housing initiatives in Central and South-Eastern
Europe. The housing situation in this region is in crisis: many households
cannot afford to pay for their homes, and many young people have no possibility
to live independently. There is an urgent need for new housing models. MOBA was
formed when groups from Belgrade, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague and Zagreb met and
discovered how much they could benefit from supporting each other and joining
their efforts to realise pilot projects in their five cities. Source texte: MOBA
Housing SCE Source images: MOBA Housing SCE