The geekiest edge of the British music underground is fuelled by the 90s,
featuring a ZX Spectrum Noel Edmonds, a Blobby-themed grindcore band, and a lady
who performs the script to Theme Hospital
We’ve had live jazz bands playing Mario Kart, and a full orchestra rendition of
Sonic. But there’s a whole subgenre of video game music artists who’d happily
describe their sound as even more nerdy. “Nerdcore has been around for 25 years.
It’s hip-hop about nerdy subjects, predominantly video games,” says 41-year-old
Nick Box from Blackpool. Box has been in all sorts of “weird silly bands” such
as electronic horror punk band Hot Pink Sewage, where “all I did was dress as a
gimp and push play on the backing track”. He now performs solo as Cliff
Glitchard and it’s even weirder than you think.
“It’s all set against a backdrop of a ZX Spectrum running an AI clone of 90s TV
presenter Noel Edmonds,” he “explains”. “The show starts with the Spectrum
loading screen, then a pixelated Edmonds tells the crowd he’s responsible for
every celebrity death, political decision and major disaster of the last 40
years. I run around shouting about crap celebrities and end up shagging Mr
Blobby on stage.”
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