Spooky stories of the possessed from the stars of Paranormal Activity

The Guardian | Technology - Thursday, August 8, 2024

Katie Featherston and Micah Sloat turn their hand to audio with True Tales of Possession. Plus: five of the best podcasts featuring A-listers

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Anyone else’s productivity levels at an all-time low thanks to the Olympics? Like me, you’ve probably had a tiny but very distracting iPlayer window open in the corner of your screen all day, only to go straight home, put the athletics on the telly, ignore those dirty dishes and doze off.

What about when you’re – shock, horror – on the go? BBC Radio 5 Live and the official Olympics podcast have been great for following the action away from the screen (I might have cried while listening to the women’s triathlon on the way to work). But they’re just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to pods that extend your Paris 2024 journey. As the medals are awarded and sporting heroes emerge, there are shows that take you far deeper into the personalities themselves.

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