A laboratory for transforming public policies. La 27e Région inspires and
invents the services, administrations and public action methods of tomorrow. It
is a laboratory for public transformation, constituted as an independent
association, which offers a multidisciplinary, reflective and experimental space
to build desirable futures for public action.
Convinced of the importance of reintroducing experimentation and trial and error
into public action, we test new services, tools, methods and organisational
modes with administrations. We mobilise concepts inspired by design, social
sciences and alternative movements (do-it-yourself, free culture, popular
education). The 27th Region relies on a community of practitioners and agents
throughout France, who share and extend its approaches. Through projects and
events, it works to animate and develop this community. The 27th Region seeks to
put forward alternatives to the dominant ideologies of public transformation and
to influence the debates. It documents its concrete experiences, develops
prospective narratives, and publishes articles and books.
Text source Image source: la27eregion.fr and modernisation.gouv.fr
Réseau Repas is a network of exchanges and alternative and supportive practices.
For around fifteen years, the Network of exchanges and alternative and
solidarity practices has brought together around thirty companies throughout
France. These have concretely implemented economic practices which have
objectives other than profit, the race for consumption or the whole economy and
which inscribe their meaning in the concrete of free and united practices. They
recognize a common culture even though they have different professions: when
they are in agriculture, they create a collective structure bringing together
partners around diversified production and marketing involving consumers. When
they are transforming a local resource, they adopt cooperative structures and
stimulate economic and social development in their environment by generating or
participating in a proliferation of activities. When they are in the cultural or
social sector, they implement dehierarchical management methods where everyone
is a person before being a performance. The network is open and is regularly
enriched with new encounters
The R stands for network The network weaves links and allows exchanges in a
horizontal and scalable manner. It changes depending on projects and meetings.
Around fifty companies have participated in network meetings, around thirty of
which have been regular participants for several years.
The E stands for exchanges. This is why the network was born in 1994: the aim of
the meetings of the network's companies is to compare their experiences,
question their practices with "peers" engaged in similar cultural actions.
The P stands for practical This is perhaps the most important word. The
legitimacy of our companies, their testimony and their existence lies in the
real and concrete implementation of alternative and supportive practices.
The A and the S stand for alternatives and solidarity Alternatives because our
practices sing a little tune that stands out from the great orchestra of
globalization-commodification-economization of the world...
Solidarity because they favor the association of individuals, the pooling of
projects and goods and cooperation between people rather than individualism,
privatization and competition.
Source : http://www.reseaurepas.free.fr/dotclear/index.php?
Source : http://www.reseaurepas.free.fr/dotclear/index.php?
Source : http://www.reseaurepas.free.fr/dotclear/index.php?
Source : Réseau Repas
Source : Solidarium
Source : Solidarium
Text Source : Trans-Local-Act et