Tag - participative gouvernance

participative gouvernance
HERE COME THE CIVICMAKERS Platoniq applies agile design thinking to facilitate a deeper and more democratic engagement with cultural Heritage and co-design digital tools and methodologies for civic participation in education, economics and social innovation. CULTURAL AND SOCIAL INNOVATION Platoniq is a team of social innovators and digital platform developers based in Barcelona, Palma and Madrid. Since 2001, the association of Civic Tech, free and open culture and citizen participation has been our main driving force to create social innovation regionally, nationally and internationally. We're involved in emerging models and economic sustainability practices around commons oriented projects and cultural heritage addressing and exploring topics, such as cooperativism, collaborative economy, crowdsourcing, civic crowdfunding and matchfunding. METHODOLOGIES AND TOOLS We love designing unconventional public formats and participation dynamics to enhance co-creation and learning. We create digital tools to gather new ideas, problems and solutions, drawning them from citizens and/or members from one or several organizations. Apps for collective decision making and democratic voting, suitable for events and project development! THE POWER OF THE CROWD Platoniq is the Founder of the Goteo platform, a recognized, award-winning creator of an open standard for crowdfunding for social impact and generating new digital commons. More than 100 workshops allready and a 6 years experience of running a successful platform! MARKETS OF IDEAS Platoniq designs open and inclusive phygital spaces to improve the impact of civic initiatives, testing and validating effective means of incentivising progressive engagement and long term participation in crowd-based collective intelligence. Source text Source images: PlatoniqLab
Friday, April 21, 2023 / C4R ecosystem
civic use
"Asilo is a cultural center and a multifunctional space for artistic and cultural production, a common good space managed with assemblies open to all, where a common good space managed with assemblies open to all, where the decision making is done according to the consensus method. Starting from the governance practices of using assemblies and direct management, the community the community itself has developed rules for the use and management of the space, based on inclusion, cooperation, non-exclusive use and free expression of art and culture; in opposition to the and patronage and rejecting all forms of fascism, racism, sexism and discrimination. racism, sexism and homophobia. The space and its activities are self-managed by a heterogeneous, flexible and open community through open and horizontal assemblies and working groups, based on solidarity and the principle of principle of sharing spaces and means of production. Asilo is engaged in a constant process of process of experimentation and self-reflection at different scales (internal, national and European) that aims to make the and European level) that aims to make space, community and governance less patriarchal." L' Asilo Filangieri (Source: Sabrina Merolla) Source Radio StartmeUp source heteropolitics Source Asilo Source texte: discription Pecha Kucha C4R
Sunday, July 11, 2021 / C4R ecosystem