Tag - financing

A unique combination of actors from civil society, the agricultural world and solidarity finance, the Terre de Liens movement derives its originality from the articulation between an associative network active throughout France, a solidarity investment company and a foundation recognised as being of public utility. sources text and images Terre de Liens
Thursday, January 4, 2024 / C4R ecosystem
Open Collective Paris is an open source digital platform that allows all citizens to create an online "collective" to respond to a social and/or environmental issue in their territory. Indeed, in the face of all the new challenges that territories are facing (migration, climate, health, social inequalities...), many people want to get involved and act quickly and collectively. Open Collective Paris allows collectives who wish to do so to free themselves from administrative red tape by quickly and simply creating an account on our platform. Our platform allows collectives to organize themselves online, to gain visibility and to manage their funds in a transparent way: everyone can see the expenses and revenues of a collective. Open Collective Paris is open source. Open Collective Paris is the independent branch of the Open Collective association, present in many countries. Source text Source: Open Collective Source: Open Collective Source: Open Collective
Friday, March 10, 2023 / C4R ecosystem