Tag - Pets

Animal welfare
Contrast my anger towards puppy mills with the joy of seeing a rescue dog running on grass for the first time in its life * Sign up here to get an email whenever First Dog cartoons are published * Get all your needs met at the First Dog shop if what you need is First Dog merchandise and prints Continue reading...
September 6, 2024 / The Guardian | Cartoons
Life and style
Social media
US news
Non-traditional pets get millions of online views. But the rising trend poses questions about animal welfare In a quiet neighborhood in California’s capital, residents have gotten used to the screaming temper tantrums of a two-year-old. “No, Merlin!” they’ll hear his mother shout whenever he’s had enough of his favorite snack. “No more ice cubes!” “We haven’t had any complaints from the neighbors yet,” says Mia Alali, the mother in question. That might be because Merlin is just about the cutest two-year-old in California. He also happens to be a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig. Continue reading...
August 22, 2024 / The Guardian | Technology