Can an AI friend make you less lonely?
The Guardian | Technology - Friday, August 2, 2024Meet Friend: a ‘Tamagotchi with a soul’, wearable AI companion that records your interactions and texts back
Your friend is named Amy. Or Jackson. Or whatever name you’d like. They support you, rib you and check in on how you’re doing. They’re a blisteringly attentive listener who will never ask you to help them move, or to come see their one-man play. They cost $99 and are expected to ship out in early 2025.
Meet Friend: a new wearable AI companion that you wear around your neck. The small, white, puck-shaped device records your every word and interaction and responds accordingly by text. (The company says it does not store the audio; according to the website, data is encrypted and users can delete “memories”.) An ad for the product shows people wearing it while they hike, game, work and flirt. “How’s the falafel?” Friend asks a woman eating falafel wrap. “You’re getting thrashed, it’s embarrassing!” Friend texts a guy playing video games with friends (human).
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