Macao Milano
C4R ecosystem - Wednesday, January 17, 2024The Macao group began to be formed in 2012, with the occupation of the Torre Galfa building in Milan. This occupation marks the start of a movement to occupy abandoned buildings in Milan which carries a symbolic and political message. From the start, Macau activists have struggled to come up with a new vision for organizing the city. The occupation is in itself symbolic because it underlines the desire to refuse real estate speculation and the logic of the real estate market, putting at the forefront the needs of citizens, the arts, culture and politics. It was later in 2012 that Macau occupied the building where it has established its headquarters until today. Former slaughterhouse market, the building in Viale Molise has been restored and allows Macao to improve the cultural and artistic offer of the city of Milan and also to show that another management and another destination of abandoned buildings is possible. Over the past five years of operation, Macau has hosted concerts, laboratories, literary festivals, theater events, film screenings and political rallies. She founded a magazine, organized exhibitions, promoted workshops and seminars, and cooperated with local organizations and universities. Macau also operates with a completely horizontal governance model, refusing to adopt any hierarchical structure and favoring participatory organizational principles.
Source : Zero, Luco Chiaudano
Source : Zero
Source : The Submarine
Source : Toolkit for Homes Of Commons
Text Source : https://commoning.city/project/milan-macao/