Transition Town
C4R ecosystem - Wednesday, January 17, 2024Transition Town Totnes is a community-led organization that aims to strengthen the local economy, reduce our environmental impact and build resilience as we adapt to climate change.
It is an organization run by a group of local volunteers, made up of a small team, who come together to work on projects. Anyone can get involved. It is a community organization with nearly 40 local projects and 9 thematic groups working to strengthen the social economy and prepare for a future outside of oil.
TTT helps create thriving, healthy and caring local communities, where lifestyles take into account the needs of future generations as well as the present. Taking into account rising fuel prices, economic uncertainty and climate change which bring many challenges. However, TTT focuses on these elements by attempting to increase personal and community well-being, promote the local economy and find lifestyles in line with the values of our Earth. The Transition Network is here to support the ever-growing networks of transition initiatives across the UK and the world and help them to self-organize around the transition model, to create initiatives that work for resilience.
Source : Transitiontowntotnes.org
Source : Transitiontowntotnes.org
Source : Transitiontowntotnes.org
Source : Transitiontowntotnes.org
Text Source : Trans-Local-Act et Transitiontowntotnes.org