ZAD, Notre Dame des Landes
C4R ecosystem - Sunday, July 11, 2021The ZAD ("zone to defend") of Notre-Dame-des-Landes is a "social experiment" set up by the opponents of the Grand Ouest airport project, in Notre-Dame-des-Landes. The struggle against the airport was the occasion for about fifty naturalists (called "Les Naturalistes en Lutte") to list the fauna and flora of the area, in order to defend it with arguments of biodiversity protection. It then became a zone of experimentation of life in non-market society and various other social experiments, which will last in part, after the abandonment of the airport project. Source text: wikipedia Source main image: Novembre 2012 • © AFP
The farm of a hundred names, the construction has been demolished / © ValK ! zad_007_02-909ed
Source: Nadir
Photo Stephan Massis