C4R ecosystem - Sunday, July 11, 2021femProcomuns is a non-profit and social initiative, worker and consumer multi-stakeholder cooperative, created in Catalonia in 2017, with the aim of consolidating a commons ecosystem, based on the principles of open cooperativism, community self-management, human, ecological, economic sustainability, shared knowledge and replicability..
- We are building a strategic social tool to make commons activity viable and sustainable.
- We work with the model of the 5 pillars of sustainability of the commons: community, participatory governance, resource mobilization, co-production, shared knowledge.
- We organize ourselves into operating commissions and groups of cooperative activity.
- We use free technological tools to facilitate management, participation, co-work and communication processes.
- We promote the cooperativization of work and opted for the general social security regime.
- We provide cooperative funds and capital to gain solvency and economic strength.
- We work on the sustainability and communitary management of commons oriented projects, participation, knowledge and free technologies as well as their social application, and we pay special attention to the processes, ways of doing (things), collaborating and co-creating.
source: Remix The Commons
Albert Calomarde, from the Azimut360 cooperative, explaining the model of the Solbrai cooperative local energy community | One of the group work tables at the session "Ecosistema Transitant: l'energia, un procomú" / M. GARRIGA - D. JACOVKIS - FEMPROCOMUNS
Source: FemProcomuns
Source: Frédéric Sultan
Source texte: FemProcomuns