Digital sustainability and sustainable digitalization
ISOC Switzerland Chapter - Sunday, December 26, 2021Digital sustainability was one of the first topics addressed in the 7at7 series, on September 7, 2020. Six months later, Panayotis Antoniadis and Nana Karlstetter (one of September 7at7 keynote speakers) joined Rahel Estermann and Laura Hagen to create the Digital sustainability working group at Digitale Gesselschaft, which presented itself for the first time in the WinterCongress 2021 (video recording).
This was the starting point for the creation of a very diverse group of key actors, who engaged an exciting collective editing process to produce a double brochure titled, “A short guide on digital sustainability (and sustainable digitalization)”, which was recently distributed together with the WOZ newspaper. It is available online as pdf (the published version) and also as an online portal, which will be further updated over time with fresh information and links.
As Rahel Estermann stressed in the recent hybrid discussion with Panayotis Antoniadis and Nana Karlstetter during the November 2021 7at7 event at L200, this brochure is not meant to be a definitive text, but a “boundary object” around which experts from different domains are invited to keep updating.
You can watch the full discussion at https://7at7.digital

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