Sample letters, French & German: on the Federal surveillance law (LRens/NDG)
ISOC Switzerland Chapter - Thursday, December 8, 2016Swiss voters accepted, by a large majority, the new Federal surveillance law (LRens/NDG). ISOC-CH had supported the process of collecting signatures to hold a referendum and opposed the law, on the grounds that it could open the door to mass surveillance and have other undesirable side effects.
During the campaign leading up to the vote, the government repeatedly assured citizens that the law provides for strict control of surveillance measures, and checks and balances. In particular, it was said the only 10-20 people per year would be surveilled.
We believe that it is important to monitor the implementation of this new law to ensure that it is not used to implement mass surveillance. As a specific measure, we suggest that all concerned citizens write to the Swiss Information Services in order to find out whether, at present, those services have collected any data on them. You will find a model letter, in French and German, at:
Exemple de lettre: Service de renseignement de la Confédération
Beispielbrief: Nachrichtendienst des Bundes
We will continue to monitor surveillance activities and will revert to the topic in the future.
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